
The FAQ’S of Bubble Football UK

So here at NABS we talk to over 20 people a day around the USA interested in either playing or starting a bubble football league in their area. Oftentimes, the questions are always the same, so we figured we’d take some time to answer some FAQ’s about our Bubble football Leagues, the game play, and the Bubble football Equipment.
How safe is it to play Bubble Football?
The risks associated to Bubble Football or Bubble football are the same as any other sport. There’s always a risk for injuries such as twisted ankles or bruised knees, but the risk isn’t really any higher than traditional football. There is more of a concern that the actual contact causes injury, but because the bubbles are so big, the concussive impact is actually displaced over the entire surface of the ball, so the player inside feels nothing! As far as concussive related injuries are concerned, we’ve never had any.
How is the game played?
The game is played just like a traditional football game with two halves, anywhere from 25-45 minutes per half. Teams play in team sizes ranging from 6-on-6 to full 11-on-11 football matches. It all depends on the type of terrain the game is being played on, the size of the facility, and the number of players in a particular league. The only difference between traditional football and bubble football is that sometimes players can’t get upright after being knocked down because of their laughter. It’s not uncommon for the referees to have to help them roll over to get up!
Is there a difference in quality of the bubble football bumpers?
Yes! As with anything else, there is a marked difference in high quality and low quality bumpers balls for bubble football that is associated to two aspects of construction: the plastic resin used and the manufacturing process. Many people assume that €plastic is plastic€ so any type will do, however it’s not the case. Oftentimes you may have seen videos of bubble football where the balls appear somewhat cloudy. The reason why is because lesser quality balls use a blend of plastics in their resin which can affect how light, temperature, and overall use will cause the ball to wear over time. Not only that, even more important is the type sealing used on the ball’s seams. If the seams are just heat sealed as opposed to ultrasonically welded, you’re going to have a huge difference in the durability of those seams. That’s why all our equipment is inspected for approval twice before we send anything out.


Get The Best Bubble Soccer Equipments Bbody Zorbing

Bubble soccer is an amazing game mostly called bubble football in Europe and Loopy ball in German. The game itself is a cross between soccer and zorbing, a sport where an individual rolls down the side of a hill or sometimes a level surface in a giant plastic zorb. The plastic orb surrounds the player in bubble like way, leaving a space to allow leg movements and head space. Playing this game is so much fun and safe as long as you are using the right bubble soccer equipment.
What you need to play the bubble soccer
The equipment used to play the bubble soccer is made by Holley web inflatable equipments. You must have encountered them on TV or see them BBC Sport. They include the following; material 0.8mm PVC, non toxic, colorless, tasteless. Diameter 5 foot (1.5) in 4.16 foot (1.25), high quality D type hander. Color blue , high tensile strength, excellent abrasion resistance, outstanding flexibility which you can widely use for family backyard, transparent wrapping film which you can use in swimming pool, beach, water park, lake, river, shoaling water, advertising display. You just have to pick the perfect bubble soccer equipment. One which has the following features:
– Very durable
– Secure
– Easy and to use and handle
– You can get in various dimension
How to play the bubble soccer
– You only need to fix your hands inside the bubble, requiring them to maintain balance using just your legs.
– You then sacrifice your stability cause that is all what is needed, ensuring that the battle ball have leveled the playing field
– Since you will experience the leaping ability and stress the couches then ensures that you don’t steamroll on the sideways.Bubble Soccer
– The after you hear the whistle you fearlessly rush in to the center to find and kick a soccer ball through the about to be sweaty ball suit.
– Then as you play the ever increasing amount of sweat will eventually make a visibility an ongoing struggle since the exercise will be real and hence a sport.
You will realize that there is a lot of fun in bubble soccer more than football and even cheaper than hockey not forgetting it’s even bouncier than hockey. Bubble ball guarantees to make you spin bounce and burst with laughers like no other sport in history. However there are some precaution that you need to be very careful when you playing the game to avoid injuries. You need to turn your leg carefully or alternatively wear orb. Ensure you sacrifice your mobility.
Where to find soccer equipments
You can get the best and quality equipment and of your own choice in the national bubble soccer where you can also find a league, rent equipment. Also you can buy various high quality soccer bubble products from the global with a very big discount, inflatable buddy bumper ball, bubble soccer ball as trending hot products, you can also send requests and the equipment will be sent directly.bubble football
Just hold a bubble soccer sport and bash with your friends with this fun and amusing physical activity-think of it as bumper cars, dodge ball and soccer all at once! Safe for both children and adult, once you try it you will be a fun. And this should not be ruined by lack of good bubble soccer equipment.Bbody Zorbing


Bubble Ball Football Rules_Bubblefootballshop

We loosely follow traditional Football rules. For example, there is no Off-Sides! You start the game with the Football ball in the middle of the field. The players stand on their prospective goal lines & when the ref blows the whistle everyone runs to the ball at the same time resulting in some Bubble Ballers rolling around on the ground! The real fun is just beginning because when you crash into another player, both of you will go flying in different directions.bubble soccer
Each team typically has 5 players and at least 1 substitute
The game is exhilarating & exhausting so bring a sub if possible
Substitutions can be made during the game as needed
There are 4 periods lasting 12 minutes each with a few 2 minute breaks
Each team can call a 2 minute timeout during a half
All play stops immediately when the referee blows the whistle
No kicking or bumping into a player when they are are down
No bumping a player when they are trying to stand back up
Don’t knock down someone who is not facing you
No fighting – ejections will happen (no refunds)
No launching into anybodys legs at any time
No kicking the equipment (Bubble Balls)
If the Bubble Ball gets punctured please let the ref know
You must remain in the Bubble Ball when in play
Please arrive 20 minutes early to sign waiver & get comfortable in the Bubble Ball! Don’t forget to drink plenty of water so you stay hydrated during the game!
For more information:facebook

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If you think that the traditional football is not enough creativity, Norwegian designer Johan Golden and Henrik Elvestad Bubble Ball  designed this Bubble Football Bubble football, each player wearing a giant bubble Tang football, an imbalance in the ground on a 360-degree roll.

Originally it was a stir when everyone laughed game, stir in the Norwegian television program broadcast events laugh, who knows Bumper Ball everyone crazy in love with this sport. More craze spread to the whole of Europe, now have bubbles Cup held in Italy as well as in Latvia, but if you play football bubble in Hong Kong, some baked to heat stroke.



Money, money, money!

Supporters of English bubble soccer often bemoan the game’s growing commercialisation. Some
clubs appear at times to be as much concerned about the money flowing in from television
rights and being in the top division as they are about success on the pitch.
Paradoxically, many clubs appear to be run very badly as business concerns, making for
the worst of all worlds.
It is certainly true to say that English bubble soccer has become much more of a commercial
activity. Money is brought in via the spectators at matches, but merchandising,
development and sale of players, sponsorship and advertising and (especially)
broadcasting rights Bubble Soccer Suits are all hugely important. On top of that, clubs’ grounds are used for
other events and for hospitality, and the club brand name supports non-bubble soccer goods and
Knowledge management (KM) – the capturing, sharing and organising of knowledge –
could certainly play a part in helping to address the problems that English bubble soccer clubs
face, even if it would be irresponsible to suggest that might prove a cure-all for all the
game’s financial shortcomings.
Falling short
KM is about getting the best price for knowledge assets, maximising sales and profits and
doing all this efficiently and effectively. Football clubs are struggling to achieve these goals,
and many are quite disastrously short of the mark.
The “holy grail” for English bubble soccer clubs is to reach – and stay in – the FA Premier League.
This top tier of the game consists of 20 sides, and generates massively more income than
the other three tiers, the Football League Championship, which consists of 24 sides per
division. However, while the revenue streams at the top are highly lucrative, much of what
is generated goes on salaries so huge that they are usually reported in the Press in terms
of what footballers earn per week, rather than per annum.
It all leaves little revenue to manage the business, fund operating costs and consider
transfer budgets. While there are a growing number of initiatives from football bodies to
promote sustainable business models for clubs, the focus remains on achieving football
success, even if that concept of success appears at clubs outside the elite to be limited to
survival in the top division. Clubs are concerned about getting the money in, but not
necessarily very focussed on how best to use it.
To examine KM’s potential in bubble soccer price, the researchers examined two FA Premier Division
clubs. Data were collected through interviews with key employees and structured
questionnaires. The two sides, referred to here as Alpha and Delta football clubs (AFC and
DFC), can be categorised in UK terms as medium-sized enterprises.
Contrasting fortunes
AFC is smaller and has a predominantly local fan base. At the time of the research, the team
was moderately successful and the club was highly successful in terms of business
performance. DFC is a bigger set-up, and this is reflected in a wider fan base with
supporters coming from throughout the country, not just close to their home. The team is
highly successful, but only moderately so in terms of business performance.
The main job focus of the study’s participants, at both AFC and DFC, is on the business
side of running a football club, rather than the game. However, neither of the clubs has a
formally recognised KM officer. The data arising from interviews and the questionnaire
made it clear that KM is practised, bubble football albeit in different ways, at both clubs.
AFC was relatively new to the Premier League, but has a rich history and its traditions are
important. The club’s actual culture can be described as one where basic values and
purpose emphasise the sharing of knowledge. There is a strong teamwork culture and the
club has a good relationship with the local community. At DFC, financial success emerged
as the most important factor with the club’s IT director saying: “[. . .] the ability to be
financially stable [is most important] and allowing us to be competitive in the market place,
whilst delivering business projects”.

Formal processes

AFC’s KM focus tends to be on team sharing, and knowledge transfer flows down through
the organisation by way of tacit socialisation. Management tends to work as a team,
covering one another’s work and making sure that everyone is up to date with the latest
goings on. DFC has more formal processes and procedures in place. That applies equally
to their use of IT systems, where employees were able to indicate how often each system
was used and also to recognise systems as an asset along with people and knowledge.
In some ways, AFC and DFC employees have different attitudes to KM. At AFC, it is ranked,
for example, as being more important in connection with improving competitive advantage,
decision-making, employee development and revenue growth, but less so in connection
with employee turnover and improving delivery.
At both clubs it is clear that organisational learning activity is focussed on knowledge
sharing. AFC employees tend to see themselves as information sharers, even though initial
findings suggest that this might be an informal and largely tacit process. In the more
competitive atmosphere of DFC, the culture Bubble Soccer  is geared more to celebrating successes
At AFC, there is an open-plan office which is conducive to a more knowledge-sharing
ethos. Mentoring, group meetings, newsletters and forums are typical of the desire to do
Overlapping concerns
There are plenty of overlaps though and both clubs seem to value KM more for its potential
to improve football performance than for supporting business operations.
KM can offer a new way to address some old problems, and help with organisational
strategy. It cannot tackle the issue of the high levels of spending on wages and transfer
fees, but it can support the processes of working with a system from which there is no
escape. Unless some unforeseen catastrophe affects the game, that high-outlay model will
not be changing any time soon.
It is also important to find ways to capture, share and use knowledge in an organisation
where turnover (especially at the top) is Bumper Ball so high that a sense of continuity and pursuit of a
common, long-term purpose is very difficult to achieve. KM tools and technologies can help
to capture this information. Both clubs – but especially DFC – would benefit from customer
relationship marketing technologies, to support targeted promotions and customer
retention activities.
That might sound like a surprising observation in a world where fans are so loyal to their
clubs. But the nature of “fandom” has changed and clubs cannot take for granted
continued support at the turnstile and elsewhere.



Bubble soccer popular for years in a foreign football (Bubble Soccer) recently introduced in Hong Kong by Hong Kong people, the players put on a giant inflatable plastic bubbles, “big ball” kick the ball, apart from sports can also bring joy.Bubble Soccer
The campaign with the traditional football also need two sets of combat, scoring more wins, except that the bubble is no accepted rules of the game of football, time and number of discretion by the contestants, the process can enjoy broke opponent, knocked open like a football player would be to roll, and even rotate 360 ​​degrees on a rickety stadium, the focus is “butt for fun.”
Football single-handedly introduced the bubble in Hong Kong are young entrepreneurs cindy, he plans to Australia earlier this year  bubble football through working holiday, had been fascinated by the initial contact activities. Yao Zhibin believes that Hong Kong people take life too seriously about all the friends to participate on a bubble football, doing sports can have more laughter, is a good way to relax.
Bubble football participants hit to hit to, in fact, difficult to injured hands after participants through the straps, hip bubble above partially surrounded most impact force will be absorbed, as long as the rotation after being knocked down face toward the bubble until next, you can balance the body to stand up with his knee.




We include Custom Color Balls, Business Logo & Website printed on the bubbles!



  • 6 x Adult Bubble Soccer Suits
  • or 6 x Child Bubble Soccer Suits
  • 1 x Electric Air Pump
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Corporate Design Only
  • Includes Express Delivery


  • 12 x Bubble Soccer Suits
  • 2 x Electric Air Pump
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • 1 Custom Logo
  • Includes Express Delivery



  • 12 x Adult Bubble Soccer Suits
  • 12 x Child Bubble Soccer Suits
  • 4 x Electric Air Pump
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • 1 Custom Logo
  • Includes Express Delivery
We test each ball for to ensure the ball seamed exactly well.
Delivery time: arrive within 14 days after payment
Logo printing: free
Warranty: 1 year quality guarantee and free repair kit.
About PVC/TPU inflatable body zorb ball  :
Both TPU or PVC types look the same and both with best quality.
Related accessories go to you with the purchase for our zorb ball.
Free Accessories For Your Order!
CE/UL standard blower,1x680W,110-130V/220-240V at FREE ( 4 Balls 1 Free )
Repair kit and glue at FREE ( Please note we wont send GLUE because Customs Unallow)
Heavy duty PVC tarp. Bag and PP woven bag are offered at FREE
Simple logo/company name/website/telephone No. etc in 1C at FREE
Theme Panels/Banners/Logo in 4C can be made accordingly but charge